Drop Off Order Form

Drop Off Order Form

You can complete and email to sales@stitchnola.com or include with your item when you drop off!
You are welcome to drop off your items and completed order form 24/7 in our secure lockbox. See attached.
For your convenience there is a LOCK BOX on the Porch to the LEFT of the front door. It is white with a blue lid.
You MUST enter the 4 digit code to unlock the box. Please MESSAGE us if you need the code!
IMPORTANT!! ~~ PLEASE close the lid completely and spin the number dial so the passcode is no longer displayed and to ensure the lock box is secured.
Please shoot us an email once it is dropped off to let us know!
Shop Address:
8 Storehouse Lane
Suite C
Destrehan, LA 70047
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________~~Our shop is located at the end of the street on the RIGHT side of the cul de sac. It's a YELLOW raised building (across the street from the daycare). We are SUITE C.


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